Saturday, July 7, 2012

Crocodile Adventure

Thursday, June 28, 2012
Spanish class from 10am-12pm. I return to the bungalow, and Bob makes us lunch
Spanish class 1pm-3pm.
Spanish class with Ricardo

We go for a walk on the beach to the marina and made plans to take a dolphin and turtle tour for Sunday.  Then we take a cab to Playa Carizillo and hang out on the beautiful beach, swim in the cove, and watch the surfers. Once we were entirely relaxed, we take salsa dancing lessons. What a great work out! We decide to cook dinner at the bungalow tonight.

Friday, June 29, 2012
Bob made breakfast burritos. Spanish class 10am-12pm. I write a silly story in Spanish for homework and read it out loud to Bob. Spanish class 1pm-3pm
Lunch at Bull Surf, we share a plate of spaghetti with meat sauce and a basket of bread.
We take another shopping trip to Super Che to get more pesos and groceries. We go to a Rock n roll show at Kabbalah Bar, and had drinks with the band from Argentina. After the show, Bob and I go have drinks with Ricardo (my Spanish teacher) at the Villa Carizillio outdoor bar.

Saturday, June 30, 2012
Malo the guard dog at the school

Dawn patrol surfing!

 Bob and I get up before sunrise and try to surf Carizillio, but the waves were too small so we went home and took a very long nap until noon. I make a batch of breakfast burritos for late lunch. At dusk we go on a crocodile adventure, we drive to a lagoon where the crocs live and visit a reptile sanctuary where they breed crocodiles, iguanas, and turtles.

A baby green iguana

Turtles love to be tickled

A rattle snake

 Crocodile skeleton

Crocodile Lagoon

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